Obesity in small children and teenagers is a serious medical problem. It's especially concerning because childhood obesity frequently sets kids up for health issues like diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. Depression and low self-esteem are some effects of childhood obesity.

Symptoms of childhood obesity

  • Breathing problems
  • Fatigue
  • Increased sweating
  • Snoring and sleep apnea
  • Joint discomfort

How can food hypersensitivity testing help manage childhood obesity?

Foods and nutrients may influence childhood obesity symptoms. The diet directly affects your capacity to gain weight quickly. IgG antibodies against casein and gluten are more prevalent in children who are obese. An exclusion diet might aid the management of obesity based on IgG. Most obese kids can see a dramatic improvement in their obesity symptoms when they follow a restricted elimination diet based on IgG antibodies against food.

ImuPro - Help reduce childhood obesity

The "ImuPro" food hypersensitivity test can be used as a preliminary step for learning about the connection between IgG to food and childhood obesity by allowing one to identify reactions to the main foods that may be thought of as triggers for inflammatory processes that may be involved in the emergence of childhood obesity.

Food hypersensitivity is assessed with the comprehensive IgG-mediated food allergy laboratory test "ImuPro". The patient's blood is examined for the existence of specific IgG antibodies to certain foods.

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